Hi, I'm Lisa! I'm skilled in copy editing, GIFs, and eating chocolate...among many other things.
Corrector of errors
Enhancer of copy
Comma mover
GIF enthusiast
Chocolate lover
Animal whisperer
Sunset admirer
Not a 'Boss Lady'
Not a 'Boss Lady', 'Mumprenuer', or whatever ridiculous trend is currently circling!
Just an Aussie gal making people smile and having a grand ol' time.
If you see me without one of the following, I am signalling for help:
Red pen
Pink milk
My major dislike is having to do anything that requires me to wear pants. #hardno
Stacey (copywriting client) once asked me for the recommendation of a good punctuation book.
She had this awesome idea of enhancing her limited knowledge of “where the damn dots and lines belong”, so that her copy “wasn’t so atrocious when it landed on my desk”.
After a very brief conversation, she came to the hefty realisation that it was not worth her valuable time and began to recognise the hours of training and experience it takes to understand the rabbit hole of style guides, dictionaries, slang, exceptions to the rules, and so on.
Let's just say she was all too happy to leave that to me and focus on writing the killer copy!
My background encompasses years of customer service roles with a short stint as a Personal Trainer, then onto working for a world-wide Banking and Insurance corporation as a Consultant and System Admin for Compliance & Training.
I consistently traded my personal time for overtime and working my way up the corporate ladder, which eventually lead to burnout.
After taking a year off to travel the world, I quit my corporate job and began my next adventure as a proofreader, and now copy editor.
This decision led me to complete training in proofreading and copy editing, start my business, and fall in love with the continued education and training in editing and language.