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Welcome to Corekshuns, Copy Editing

Updated: Jan 20

If you're after witty and actionable support for all things copy editing, you've come to the right place!

Corekshuns--pronounced like 'corrections', coz you know, it's SpeLt InCorrEctLy--was formed from my bedroom in a tiny shoebox apartment in Brisbane city. The initial concept was to provide a copy editing service for those who wanted more time back in their calendar, and quickly grew into a one-stop-shop for DIY copy editing as well!

Lisa from Corekshuns in New Zealand for winter in an upside pic in front of a mountain and lake

My background

  1. The stock-standard IGA, Diva, (insert 47 retail roles) child with a box full of A+ report cards and trophies/awards. Can someone say "when did you stop to have fun?".

  2. Completed a Personal Training course even though I hated being in gyms

  3. A friend of a friend landed me a role in a large corporation

  4. Worked up the corporate ladder and myself into the ground, simultaneously

  5. After 7 years, took a Career Break to travel the world #highlyrecommend

  6. Blogged my way around SE Asia & New Zealand for 8 months

  7. Decided I never wanted to set foot in a large corporation again

  8. Completed initial proofreading & copy editing training while slaving away at the front desk of the South Bank TAFE library

  9. Started Corekshuns in the hopes of helping others while sipping margaritas at the swim-up bar #betterthanawhitewedding

  10. Two years into copy editing and I'm a whole lot closer to that dream!

Lisa from Corekshuns in a model photo shoot in at the beach in Bali

About me

Skilled in copy editing, GIFs, and eating chocolate...among other things.

  • Corrector of errors

  • Enhancer of copy

  • Comma mover

  • GIF enthusiast

  • Chocolate lover

  • Animal whisperer

  • Sunset admirer

Not a 'Boss Lady', 'Mumprenuer', or whatever trend is currently circling! Just an Aussie gal making people smile and having a grand ol' time.

If you see me without one of the following, I am signalling for help:

  • Red pen

  • Skittles

  • Chocolate

  • Burrito

  • Nuggets

  • Pink milk

My major dislike is having to do anything that requires me to wear pants. #hardno

Lisa from Corekshuns spinning around a pole in an abandoned loft in Thailand

What to expect

I can't guarantee a lavish lifestyle of palm fronds and unlimited bar tabs, but I can do my best to help you align your messaging and speak directly to your target audience. There's also the added bonus of an increased hourly rate through process efficiency and more space for quality time with the fam. #cantarguewiththat

If this sounds like music to your ears, stick around to learn more!

May your copy be kick-ass,

Last updated 20/1/25



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